
Ebony - 7 Iconic Alvin Ailey Dances That Should Be On Every Enthusiasts' Radar

Ebony - 7 Iconic Alvin Ailey Dances That Should Be On Every Enthusiasts' Radar

Renowned choreographer Alvin Ailey started his namesake dance company back in 1958, and his work has remained timeless over the decades. Whether it’s the joyous celebration of Night Creature, the playful Pas de Duke, or his most revered masterpiece, Revelations, his work can be a transcendent experience that has filled the hearts and souls of audiences around the globe.

WABC 7 - Celebrating 50 Years Of Alvin Ailey's Ailey School

WABC 7 - Celebrating 50 Years Of Alvin Ailey's Ailey School

In March of 1958, Alvin Ailey and a small group of dancers first performed at the 92nd street "Y" on the Upper West Side. Nine years later, he started the Ailey School. Now, 50 years later, the school continues celebrating Ailey's vision. "He could see almost the future in dance, and what he did, he did with such heart and honesty and love that it still is alive today," co-director Tracy Inman said. And it shapes these dancers are both personally and professionally. Young people from all over the world go there to learn and perfect their craft. Guided by Mr. Ailey's mission that dance is for everybody, the young people pour every ounce of their souls and bodies into their craft. The Alley School has trained 75% of the current members of the first company.

Vanity Fair - Good Company

Vanity Fair - Good Company

A dinner-and-dance homage paid tribute to Alvin Ailey, as his company turns 60, at this season's opening gala in New York.

The New York Times - Legacy, Memory, Inspiration, AIDS

The New York Times - Legacy, Memory, Inspiration, AIDS

Bill T. Jones choreographed "D-Man in the Waters" in 1989, when the mortal danger of AIDS was at a high tide. The work celebrates the buoyant spirit of the dancers Demian Acquavella, who had AIDS and died the following year, but swimming in its waters are many others, including Mr. Jones's partner, Arnie Zane, who had died the previous year.